CRank: 5Score: 2720

Go away NJ & DJ you all(Sonyfanboys) look and sound alike, you're probly all the same Sony fanboy. Go play PS2 now. J/K

6578d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

You wan't a pat on the back. You guy's are in here because you're worried. lol #37 It's what me and a few other in this site call PlayStation paste-ing in the background lots of PS games use it. The herizon/background are often a painted wall with trails or roads cut through them or rail ways. it's the short cut Sony has been using for ages. Forza's King. You Sonyfanboys will be eating you're words in due time. MS refuses to use cgi thats light years ahead of the gameplay that's maybe one of...

6578d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Yah! those PS3 pics look real playable. Im not worried about xbox CGI lol They don't fool with movies they just tweek what the console is capable of. lol it's not like MS puts FF advent children looking cgi in PS2 hardware.

6578d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

http://screenshots.teamxbox... http://screenshots.teamxbox... http://screenshots.teamxbox... vs http://www.ps3portal...

Check the links in post 17 again please! thank you.

6578d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Why do these Sony fanboys keep saying "WELCOM3 CHANG3" when the Xbox/360 has Revolutionized the industry and has new state of the art hardware and games in every Generation it's out. Remeber the 360 has shaped the competitions console's and brought them to the Next-gen SO!!! Welcom3! Chang3! welcom3 to the future of gaming JUMP-IN. Next thing they'll come out with soon is an moded game pad for all these kick @ss games coming out, wanna bet anybody.

6581d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Quote(1080p isn't necessary for next-genteration) Moore was saying 1080p wasn't important enough to use 1080p as an selling point to sell/trick consumers. #56 "ASTAROTH" WELCOM3 CHANG3!!!! and welcome to the future of gaming JUMP-IN. An 14 year old Console with the same old games and marketing cons isn't chang3 in-fact people have welcom3d chang3 about 6-7 million of them. And after people save and the price goes down the 360 will take over with numbers close to what the PS2 had. It...

6581d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

I agree that alot of these rabbid Sony fanboys have been on a cruisade against Many 360 fans on this site. The Emotion chip works after all.

6582d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

#2 i think you need to join an PS3 exclusive site we don't care how you think the PS3 is better in you're opinion. Good Lord!

6582d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

Surfing on a console seems G@Y!, but to save face on that web tv jive; maybe they should give it another try. Needs to be safe period!.

6582d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment


6582d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Eternal E 808: Does anybody know what cables come with the PS3 and if it will do HD out of the box?. Will we have to pay to play with an standard TV set?. ps3 DOESN'T COME WITH HDMI CABLES.

6582d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Huxely, Halo 3 & Shadowrun are gonna own RFOM!

6582d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

It better come with it's own remote.

6582d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

These Sony fanboys really should be comparing RFOM to Huxely not Gears of War. lol Now STFU and deal with it. MS and Sony will be neck to neck until people see all what the 360 has to offer.

6582d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Quote: RFOM(i hear about the excellent AI, ai that not only takes cover, but doesnt just stand in a spot looking around waiting to be flanked, the AI does its own flanking)If you have done any reading on GOW the AI allows charectors to do the same things in Gears of War. Is this thread about Gears or RFOM?/ Bhai you are a loser go play you're PS2.

6582d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

So i can't say this game looks stupid on gaming web site? and you're calling me an simple idiot. lol get life loser it's not that important you can still buy this game even if i won't. lol hehe he called me an simple idiot. I see you're passion for the PS3 isn't normal. get some help and a life fool. To stay on topic this game looks boring and is good for a rent. #30 this games not out yet so how can X-play grade it? do you see post #25. #32 YOU NEED TO PUT THE CONTROLLER DOWN YOU'RE ANGER IS...

6585d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

X-play will gave this game 2 out of 5. period!. And me thinking this game stinks doesn't make me an 360 fan, all it means is the game looks like an Sega Genisiss? game, gameplay wise. (welcom3 chang3 jump-in and welcome to the future of gaming). The game looks G@Y no matter what console it is on. Oh! yah! the rings in the game are great!. [The king is here], a couple of us on this site drove around the Seattle area and the Portland area we went game shop to game shop and 75% of the time when ...

6585d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Fatal Inertia: 2 out of 5./ Anybody wan't to bet

6585d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

The game looks like it has weak gameplay, it looks sparce. If i owned a PS3 i would rent this for some weekend fun. No need for hippie speaches on how you're an tree huggin hardcore gamer and will buy both consoles no one asked you anything. lol #20 WTF are you talking about the game looks weak to me and no amount of Sony fanboyism is gonna change that. F-Zero And Extream G had more depth to the gameplay and even though they're old games they seem more fun/next-gen than this game. looks are n...

6585d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment